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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Biblical Womanhood - Voddie Baucham

We recently watched a DVD at our small group bible study by Voddie Baucham. In it he eluded to another portion of the series that was about biblical manhood and biblical womanhood. A few of us showed interest in the topic and one of my friends actually found it on YouTube.

I am embedding part 1 of 8. Please go to see the others in order in their entirety. Completely mind blowing stuff here!

He preaches on a various array of topics that the world tells us to live one way and the Bible differs. He talks about Titus 2 and being a Titus 2 woman. He delves into the fact that Titus 2 is not for all women, but specifically for married women. He speaks about raising youth in a biblical manner and not a worldly manner and what that entails.

He goes into what it means to be reverent in behavior:
  • appropriate
  • meek
  • quiet spirit
  • not boisterous
  • not drawing attention to oneself
  • bringing honor to God and not oneself
  • do not become loud and obnoxious

He discusses how biblical women are to speak. "Biblical women use words to build others up and not tear them down".

Older women are to train the younger women in the way to live their lives. When the bible speaks of wise women it is not speaking of wisdom in age, but wisdom through character.

Please pay attention to the portion where he speaks of the "Wife Swap" (I am unsure which part it is in). I have NEVER looked at working in this light. Very eye opening.

I have caught myself saying on many occasions "I just am not sure if I could ever love another child as much as I love Jules." and of course, he goes on to completely debunk this way of thinking through a biblical perspective.

He speaks clearly on the biblical perspective of being spirit filled:

  1. address one another w/psalms, hymns, songs and worship together
  2. give thanks in all things with prayers of thanksgiving
  3. submit to one another

He talks a lot about how you are to submit yourselves to the vision your husband has established for your family. You are not to contradict your husband in public under any circumstance (HELP!! Please pray for me in this area). You are to lay your endeavors aside to fulfill your role as a wife and mother.

I have a lot to chew on here and I hope you all are willing to listen to this 8 part series and openly discuss your thoughts and comments here with me. I would like to not be growing alone, but learning and growing together with my friends and family.

May God bless us and open our hearts as we strive to learn and apply the teachings on becoming a biblical woman.

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