Well, here I am to challenge you once again...
My best friend and I are still reading "10 Choices" by James MacDonald. This week is choosing to accept the bible as God's word (paraphrased because it is too late for me to strolling through the house to get the book...). So the challenge he posed at the end of the chapter we are reading is the following:
Get up every day for 30 days straight and read the bible for a half hour before you do anything else including getting dressed, taking care of the children, household chores, etc.
This is not an easy feat (especially for those of us who are night owls). Satan will do everything possible to keep you from doing this too. He will cause people to need you, put thoughts of procrastination in your head, and cause you to snooze too long. However, for real spiritual growth we need to be devoted to learning God's truth and applying it and the only way to do this through reading scripture.
MacDonald recommends that you start in John and then move on to John 1, 2 and 3. Read 1 Proverb every day (just choose the corresponding chapter number with the date). I am starting my reading this morning. So about 5 hours from now, I will be back at this desk and reading scripture. I will also be praying that a few of you out there will choose to do the same.
Let the reading begin!
You can do it!! You just have to fall asleep before 1 AM! God will bless you for spending time with Him first! I am sure we will have fun stories to share of lack of sleep due to our little ones but it is worth it!
I did it! I had to do a few items first, but that is how mornings are here. I made Mark's lunch and took my medicine and then read once I got him out the door. I actually was really into the introduction to the book of John and the notes that I actually read for 45 minutes instead...I was so happy and my attitude is much better than usual as well. Let's keep it up!
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