This is yet another quality that I wish I could say I excel...not the case at all. This is a trait that is shown through managing a household willingly and with great efficiency. One thing I am not is efficient. I am always asking my husband how I can do things in a more efficient manner and he is always helping me in this area.
Pat Ennis states that "Being energetic suggests strength or power efficiently exerted.". I can honestly say I do have strengths and I am somewhat efficient some areas. They all tend to be in things that I enjoy and keeping house is not one of them. I am really organized when it comes to my daughter's clothes and schedule, however, when it comes to our laundry, meals, cleaning, etc. I am not as efficient.
How do you become efficient even though you loathe what you are doing? I guess it all comes back to having a servant's heart. Knowing that it would please my husband more than anything if he could have a clean house without asking, I should do it out of respect for him. I need to channel the energy I have when it comes to my daughter and shopping into the thing I like the least.
Maybe a good compromise would be that I do what I like the least before I allow myself to do the things I enjoy. It would seem like I am getting a treat for all of my hard work. I have tried hard this week to be energetic at home. I will ask my husband if he noticed. If he didn't, then I guess I have a lot more to work on. I am blessed that he has been so patient with me, but I can't take advantage of that either because it is not fair to him.
I have used this mantra this week when I found myself not doing what I should:
"Be a worker not a shirker." - Pat Ennis
(I really wish I could meet the authors of this book!!)
1 comment:
Melissa, I love reading your posts on this series. I can see that you are really applying what you're learning and with the Lord's help you'll get where you want to be! It's a journey for all of us, so don't get discouraged when it doesn't happen overnight. I'm right there on the journey with you.
Thank you for sharing all this. I want to let you know that I am sending you the Uber Amazing Blog Award! You can read about it here: http://myblessedhome.wordpress.com/2008/11/08/uber-amazing-blog-award/
Much love,
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