When it came to this part of the book, I wanted to just skip over it! Anyone who knows me knows that this is not something even on my radar when it comes to personal characteristics I strive to maintain. After clenching my teeth and finally reading on, I realized it doesn't just mean becoming an aerobic bunny. It means more than that. It means to be healthy and in good physical condition in order to care for your family. (Thank goodness because my aerobic bunny costume would never fit me now!)
Here are some notes that Pat Ennis wrote about the subject:
- She has a realistic attitude toward her personal capabilities: Just because she can perform a skill does not mean that she should.
- She acknowledges that her body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (Corinthians 6:19): the Holy Spirit will not empower a spiritually dirty vessel.
- She realizes that she must be healthy to perform her duties efficiently: freedom from all habits that would injure her physically, mentally, or spiritually (Romans 12:1-2)
- She understands the importance of recreation to maintain a healthy body: need for rest and privacy from demanding ministry.
- She accepts the fact that sometimes others can, she cannot: each woman is fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).
- She has clear perspective regarding her body cycling and wisely accommodates its ebb and flow: she balances the care of her home with the care for her body to avoid becoming frazzled.

She gives a great guideline to what it means to be physically fit. From what I read, I believe it is requiring us to be more in tune with our limitations and abilities. If you keep you body healthy, you abilities are greater than those who choose to be idle. Keeping healthy also gives you the strength you need to meet the demands of your family and household.
I have also read in various books that doing your regular household chores (sweeping, dusting, childcare, etc.) is equivalent to spending hours at the gym. I guess this means I need to stop typing now and get cleaning!
Catch you later!
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