This characteristic is my favorite one because I love to be thrifty! You can be thrifty on a low or high income; the bottom line is saving your hard earned money. Any way that you refrain from wasting time, money, or any other of your valuable resources is a form of being economical.
On one hand I am very good at saving money on purchases, using coupons, and finding things at the lowest possible prices. On the other, one can say that much of my valuable time is wasted in doing the previously mentioned items. I think there needs to be balance.
My husband commented a few weeks ago that even though the 1,000 (exaggerating) coupons would save us on our food bill, was all of the time and effort it took to gather them, cut them, make my lists for all of the various stores worth the savings? After throwing a hissy fit about how I was "just trying to help our budget" (those who know me well know what my hissy fits look like), I took a step back and looked at everything I was doing to save money. I then made the decision I needed to limit the time it took me to prepare to shop. Now, I go to 2 websites and each week. I view what is for sale at my local grocery store on the coupon mom's website and then clip any necessary coupons from the Sunday paper that is delivered weekly. I then clip coupons from and make my list. I got a great shopping list from a friend's website I stick it on my refrigerator and add items to the list as I run out of things. I then take the list and see what is on sale at my local grocery store at coupon mom's website. I write a brand name next to sale items so I do not have to spend time searching the aisles while at the store. If the coupon mom's website says there is a coupon for my item, I clip the coupon and put a star next to the item on the list. All I need when I go shopping is my list, the clipped coupons, and my calculator (no one should shop without a calculator!) and I am good to go.
As upset as I get when I am given suggestions by my husband, I am usually grateful in the end. (Here you go, dearest husband, it is here in writing for you to use for future reference!)
Here are a few more ways I am economical:
- Always get prescriptions filled at places that offer gift cards, money off, etc. You can move your prescription from place to place and always get great deals. There is always an offer out there each week. Take advantage of the free money.
- When shopping online, go through a website that offers incentives such as (college savings), (gift cards for points), or (10 cents of per gallon of gas at Getgo for every $50 spent).
- Get gift cards at your grocery store to place that you will be shopping or dining each week. You can earn fuel perks for spending money you will already be spending anyways!
- When shopping online never pay full price!! Go to sites such as to get codes to lower your bill. You can also just search on the item using a Google search to see comparisons in pricing for any specific item.
- When there is an item I just "have to have", I add it to my online wish list. When I get enough money, I buy it. Usually by the time I get the money I no long want/need the item as badly as I thought I did. The website I use for my family's wish list is
Realize that is is good to be economical, but not through cheating, lying, or stealing. God hates false gain. (Proverbs 1:19) I will explain what I mean by this by giving a real life example:
After having my baby, many companies sent me formula checks. I was breastfeeding and had no use for them. I either gave them away or sold them on EBay regularly. One time while placing them in an envelope to give to a friend, I read the words "Void if transferred or sold". I pondered this for a while and then thought to myself "who on earth would know what I did with these coupons, there are people out there who could use them!". After much contemplation, I decided that I was basically cheating the system for self gain. I no longer sell my formula checks. I am not condemning anyone who does this, it is not my place. I am just saying I was convicted of this verse and needed to go with what God placed on my heart.
I will end this rambling session with some more wise words from Lisa Tatlock and Pat Ennis:
"Evidence that wealth is not the source of her contentment is found in her model of humility patterned after her Lord (Philippians 2:8; 1 Peter 5:5). She does not trust in her wealth for security (Psalm 20:7; Proverbs 11:28), and is a gracious (v. 16) generous woman (31:18)."
Very good blog! I agree balance is needed. I cut coupons when I need a break from cleaning, playing with little people, etc. It is better for me than watching TV. Wonderful websites...I learned from you! Thank you for sharing.
Amen sister! Proof!
Another tip I forgot was my EBay tip...
If you are an EBay addict, you can get triple the rewards. Use a rewards debit card to purchase EBay gift cards at Giant Eagle. Then go through a bonus site such as UPromise or MyPoints and buy your item at EBay. You will have gotten points from your debit card, fuel perks, and points through the bonus site all on the same purchase.
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