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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Today's Sermon 1 Timothy 2:9-10

"likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works." ~1 Timothy 2:9-10

Today our pastor gave an excellent sermon on women and how they are to prepare themselves for church. It pertains to women who have publicly said they are Christians. This passage explains how women prepare themselves and how they dress. He explained that what women wear to church should not bring shame upon themselves, Christ, or the church.

What does that mean exactly?

Think of these questions the next time you are "getting ready for church":

Am I trying to draw attention to myself?
Do I hope to receive compliments on my attire?
Am I trying to look like or be like someone else?
Does my outward appearance reflect my inward intentions or convictions?

Use these as a filter. If you feel like something may be inappropriate or you just have second thoughts about what you are wearing, change. It is always better to be cautious. You also need to remember that what you are wearing may be causing others to lust and have sinful thoughts. If this is the case you are causing others to stumble in their walk with the Lord and you are sinning.

It is not wrong to want to look nice and be presentable. Being purposely unkempt is another way of drawing attention to yourself and away from God. Your works should be what others be focused on, not your looks. There are many ways to show your uniqueness without drawing attention to your appearance. Your looks should be a reflection of your attitude towards Christ. You should be seeking his acceptance and not acceptance from others.

Marks of a Godly Woman (from our pastor's notes):

  • She is modest. Will bring no shame to God or herself or her church.
  • She is self-controlled. She has her impulses or desires under control. She may want to dress for all the wrong reasons but she won't in order to not bring shame to herself or God.
  • She knows what is proper. She represents the Christian Life. *As Paul said, she considers everything rubbish compared to knowing Christ. (Her perspective on material things)
  • She is defined by her good works. This means actions that reflect her life in Christ.

I have not brought justice to our pastor's sermon, but I am just giving an opinion here as always.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comments. I am looking forward to getting the CD now!
